Tag: disrespect

  • 2012 is going to be your year to make changes and do things to please yourself and your soul. It is time to make your New Year’s resolution. Although the holidays are a time for getting together with family and friends to enjoy life, to open gifts, to sing songs by the fireside, and to…

  • Thinking about crossing that threshold between right and wrong?  From a philosophical utilitarian point of view, you may think that having an affair could be for the greater good.  Perhaps you are unhappy in your marriage and you’re on bad terms with your spouse.  You’ve spiraled down into an abyss of dislike and contempt.  Both…

  • How can you tell if he’s moved on mentally and physically to another relationship?  Most women can tell by the level of intimacy that is shared or not shared.  Others just have that gut-feeling that is often categorized as women’s intuition.  If you are unaware as to whether he truly cares or respects you, here…

  • A perennial problem for ages, women never like their lovers / partners to stare at other women. A case like these is frequent and often becomes the reason for fights or quarrels. In a relationship, a woman expects total commitment and devotion from the partner. The question is – does staring amount to cheating? Of…